Monday, December 10, 2012

Celebrating with best friends

Last night was the annual Christmas celebration I have with my two best friends, Rachel and Brittni. We always have a great time getting together, catching up and exchanging gifts. I was thrilled to spend time with both of them at the same time because that so rarely happens!

Rachel hosted our celebration at her apartment which was nice because we also got to see her boyfriend Ant who is such a nice guy! He joined right in with our chatting but then headed into another room to play video games so we could have some girl time =)

It's always interesting to shop for one another because we all have different interests and it's funny to see what we all buy for each other. I gave each of them some of the treats my mom and I made yesterday. I also gave them each a keychain wristlet that I bought at the Douglas Paquette sale this summer.  Then for Brittni I gave her a Barnes and Noble gift card for her nook, and Rachel got the UCONN Alex and Ani.

Rachel gave me three candles, two ornaments, and a princess pen while Brittni gave me a candle and an ornament that she handmade (which I proceeded to break before we left Rachel's I'm not kidding- I suck). Can you tell I like ornaments and candles?! =)

Yesterday was a rough day for me breaking things wise. Brittni and I went to the mall on the way to Rachel's apartment and while there- my purse handle snapped leaving me with only one handle to carry it with- annoying. Then when we got to Rachel's I noticed that one of my boot heels was gone- had clearly snapped right off. I then broke the ornament Brittni made me. Then after I dropped her off and was driving home I ran over a possum. What a day.

Hopefully today is better! Cross your fingers for me that I will not break anything else!

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