Saturday, December 15, 2012

Weekly Coupon Wrapup!

I've decided to "weekly" post my coupon savings rather than pop in randomly with my coupon savings! I use quotations around weekly because I don't know if I will necessarily have anything to share every single week but you can probably expect this on a fairly regular basis!

This week...

I had a coupon for $3.00 off of Hallmark cards if you bought 3. I also had a CVS coupon off Hallmark cards- I combined them together- plus I got $3 in rewards bucks- making them free! Wee, I love free products!

I also had a coupon for a free essence of beauty lotion- the only scent they had was the sunflower scent so I picked up one of those for no cost!

Then if I bought a razor I received $6  extrabucks back- my razor cost $7.39- meaning that after rewards I got it for $1.39! Nice =)

At Hallmark this week I bought an Elf on the Shelf which I had a coupon for $5 off $20 so I was able to purchase it for $26.85 which was not bad!

Lastly on a separate trip to Walmart I picked up a container of Clorox Dual Action wipes for $2.78. I will get back all of my money because I turned in a rebate form which was offered so I also got this product for FREE!

Not a bad week for coupons!

Did you get any great deals this week? How much did you save in coupons?

I ended up saving $15.49 in just coupon savings this week! Woohoo! =)