Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Superbowl Sunday!

Just a quick post today- I'm still feeling pretty horrible from this cold. It has me completely run down and unable to keep up with my normal everyday activities!

I was so happy yesterday because my faith was restored in that little furry groundhog- I always complain when he predicts a longer winter because I just don't understand his system! If he can see his shadow then shouldn't it be a bright sunny day?! I don't understand it! Thank goodness he predicted an early spring- I don't know how much more of this winter weather I can take...

Also, Happy Superbowl Sunday everybody! I hope you are all enjoying a nice relaxing day- ready to watch the game with your friends and family. My team (the Patriots) didn't quite make it to the Superbowl but I'm ready to cheer on the 49ers because I don't hate them quite as much as I hate the Ravens....

I hope you have a great day everybody!

1 comment:

  1. I ended up rooting for 49ers as well..and arghh!! :(
    Hope you feel better SOOON!
