Friday, June 7, 2013

The Moon and More

So first of all, I want to apologize for not getting my usual post up on Thursday. I had a really rough day at work on Wednesday, which finished off by getting kicked in the face by a gymnastics student. I bit my tongue, bled a lot, and still am speaking like I got my tongue pierced. Fun times!

This week has been a stress ball for sure, too much work, not enough play. I have a long day at work today and tomorrow will be even longer! Needless to say, there is no weekly couponing wrapup this week, because I honestly didn't even get a chance to coupon this week. I ran a ton of errands, none of them couponing related...hopefully I will get a chance to head out this weekend and you'll see them here next week.

I did get to read an entire book this week while I was laying in bed on Wednesday nursing my mouth back to health. I received The Moon and More by Sarah Dessn on my kindle Tuesday and was excited to dive in and read this book. I always love Sarah Dessen's young adult novels because they are fun, easy reads.

moon and more cover
The Moon and More is about a girl named Emaline who is living and working in her hometown during the summer between her high school graduation and going to college in the fall. Emaline has a complicated family life, her mom and dad being who she lives with, along with her two older sisters (who are actually her step-sisters). She also has her father (biological, who hasn't had much to do with her), a stepmother and stepbrother. She has a great boyfriend, Luke, and a collection of unique friends. Then a boy named Theo comes for the summer, Emaline and Luke break up and Emaline starts dating Theo.

I have to say that I was NOT a fan of Theo, or girl-jeans as Luke called him. He is definitely not my type of guy at all, I liked Luke a lot better despite his flaws. Theo was just too much of a know-it-all and I am not into that at all.

Despite not liking one of the main characters, I really did enjoy this book. I thought Emaline and her struggles with her family were extremely interesting and at several points throughout the book I really felt for her. I don't want to spoil anything if you are planning on reading it...but the end made me very happy =)

Overall, I highly recommend this book. If you haven't read anything by Sarah Dessen, I suggest you start because she is truly an amazing author who writes some of the best young adult novels!

Have a great weekend everybody!

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