Monday, December 16, 2013

Decorating for Christmas Day 1: Getting the Tree!

Welcome to my week-long blog series, Decorating for Christmas!

I thought I would share with you all the decorating that has gone into getting our home ready for Christmas this year. We did our decorating towards the beginning of December, but I thought I would wait till this week to share it all to put everyone in the Christmas spirit!

This year my mom decided that she was ready to get a real Christmas tree. We always had a real tree while I was growing up, but when I was in college, they ended up switching to an artificial tree. This year, my mom wanted a real Christmas tree, pine smell and all. So we headed off to a local tree farm as a family (minus Dan) to pick one out!

We spent a long time wandering around looking for the perfect tree, eventually my dad just picked one. Now let me preface this by telling you the tree is up and looks great...but in these pictures the tree looks like it has a big empty space on one side. It sort of does, but that's the side that was placed against the wall. So don't judge our tree too much on these pictures! =)

My dad of course denied the saw they offered him because he had brought his own...

Roxy and I watched =)


Then it was time to drag it home!

I love this last picture. I had Roxy on the leash and she just chased my parents as they dragged the tree away. I offered to help drag it...but nobody seemed to want my help to Roxy and I just watched =)

Tomorrow Day 2 will be Decorating the Tree, see you then!

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