Friday, November 2, 2018

Our Wedding: Groomsmen, Ring Bearer and Flower Girl Gifts

Hey guys!

Today I'm sharing what we bought for the groomsmen, ring bearers and flower girls!

I wanted to lump these all into one because they are not as exciting as the bridesmaid gifts, because let's face it, guys gifts aren't as exciting. Also, we just did something little for the kids- nothing too crazy since we all know they grow up and won't care about their gifts in a few years!

Let's start with the groomsmen.

Tim focused more on things the guys could wear on the day of the wedding, which worked out great so the guys didn't have to spend money on "extras" and could just pay to rent the suit and shoes.

Tim and I had talked about pocket squares because I preferred them to boutonnieres and he agreed. He chose these for the guys and I think they were the perfect fit.

He ordered these online and did a great job picking out the colors!

Tim loves socks and want to have special socks to wear on the day of the wedding so he picked out a special pair of socks for each guy. The themes were everything from fishing to golf and my husband of course wore pizza socks.

He found all of these online and it was such a nice idea to do one for each guys unique personality.

The next items he had wrapped up so nicely I did my best not to disturb them as I took a picture. He bought each guy a whiskey glass from Etsy with their names inscribed. They looked great and are certainly something they can use again and again.

Finally, he bought everyone their tie to wear that day. Now they will forever have a gorgeous blue tie from the Tie Bar. I thought the color of these was perfect and it's nice that they get to keep them for the future.

Our ring bearers were Tim's nephews (and now my nephews!) Kason and Callan.

From The Knot we picked up these ring security brief cases for them to carry the rings down the aisle.

I figured this didn't really count as a gift but was still kind of a cool thing for them to get to keep!

Tim also ordered a pair of dark sunglasses for each of them from Knockaround.

Tim also picked up some water bottles, t-shirts and sunglasses in an Etsy gift set which unfortunately didn't come in time but we will be getting to them!

Our three little flower girls were Emma, Tilly and Parker who are the daughters of my matron of honor Rachel and my bridesmaid Brittni. I picked up three adorable baskets for them to use as they walked down the aisle (or rolled in Parker's case). I found these on Amazon and they are super cute and pretty sturdy.

Our three sweet flower girls were each given an elephant stuffed animal from Etsy. The shop is called Roseandlilyboutique and I think these stuffed animals are just the cutest things ever!

Their name is inscribed on the right ear with the first letter big and on the right ear it says flower girl and the date. I was able to choose the colors as well so I had them match their flower girl dresses.

So cute right?! I almost want one myself. I also included in Emma and Tilly's bags a couple of coloring books and a small container of crayons. I figured this would keep them busy when there was downtime but I didn't put this in Parker's bag since she's still so little!

What did your flower girls, ring bearers and groomsmen get as gifts? Did you get a cute gift from a wedding? I was a flower girl when I was seven, but I don't remember getting anything, so I think this might be a fairly new tradition!

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