Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Life Lately: Social Distancing

We are getting really good at social distancing over here.  As an introvert I'm very good at being alone, so being alone with my husband and puppy is pretty easy for me! I do like to get on video chat with my friends and I talk to my mom every single day so it's not like I have no outside contact I'm just not seeing anyone in person right now. Which is what should all be doing and if you're not, GO HOME AND STAY HOME. Nothing matters more right now then staying home and letting the essential employees get their jobs done. We've been asked to stay home and do nothing, it's not that hard.

Anyways, here is what we've been up to around here!

I was very sad, although unsurprised when Tom Brady announced that he was leaving the Patriots. He has been a part of the Patriots family as long as I've been a Patriots fan and it will certainly be weird to cheer on another quarterback. Unless of course it's Sophie who gets the job. I sent this picture as a resume for her, so hopefully she'll be signing a contract soon :)

We've been trying to get out and go on a walk or do something active every day. Sophie pretty much demands it. Here she is sad she's not outside.

This is such a blurry picture but I love the way she is just standing over me :)

I already owned this shirt before the social distancing so you can see why it's not hard for me to stay home right?  You can find it here on Amazon. It's very soft and I'm wearing a medium.

We let Sophie run around in the backyard and she got herself covered in dirt. She was a disaster. So, she got a bath and this is how sad she looks after bath time!

On Sunday morning we lounged around in bed in the morning and Sophie didn't mind one bit! She usually is the one to wake us up in the morning but that girl is in no rush to get out of bed. She just wants to roll around and kick her legs so make sure you stay out of her way!

On Sunday afternoon we did a 3 mile hike! Sophie was exhausted afterwards but it was just what we needed to get outside and get moving!

My heart is so full! These two make it all worth it!

Quick family selfie! Look at that tongue!

After the hike it was time for a nap!

On Monday morning this is how Sophie was laying in the hallway. She has trouble when Tim and I are in two separate rooms. Tim was still sleeping and I was getting ready for my work day and she was forced to lay in the hallway between us. 

Sophie has been obsessed with the birds lately. She wants to get outside and chase them so badly. It was pouring rain on Monday afternoon and here she is watching the birds. 

She also had the chance to FaceTime with her cousin Attie.

More green popping up in the garden! Woohoo!

My friend Rachel introduced me to a new app the other day which was really fun! It's called HouseParty and we were able to chat with 5 of us on there and play trivia games and Pictionary. It was a ton of fun and nice to be able to hang out with friends virtually during this time!

What have you been doing to stay busy during this time? I am still working full time remotely so I am able to stay in the house but that does eat up about 40 hours of my week. Besides that I've been watching Netflix, cleaning, and hanging with my fam! 

Share any creative things you are doing with me, I'd love to hear them!

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