Monday, April 13, 2020

Paint Touchups

It is a really rainy Monday around here today! We are supposed to have rain and strong winds that could potentially cause a 72 hour power outage so that should really add some interest to this whole quarantine thing! If I don't show up on Wednesday you'll know why :)

Today I'm just sharing a quick project that made our kitchen look a little more put together!

In the kitchen, under our microwave there was a strip that wasn't painted. This is left over from when we moved our cabinets and microwave up a bit and hadn't been touched up since. 

It just looked dirty and gross and needed a quick touchup.

I not only had this gross area to touch up (luckily the previous owners left us all the paint that was used- the whole house was repainted right before we moved in), I also wanted to touch up the baseboard where Sophie chewed up a storm.

After I sanded the area, Sophie was very interested in the area again but luckily she wasn't biting the area anymore, just sniffing.

I want to point out that the floor is dirty from the sanding and I didn't vacuum up till after taking pictures so you'll have to ignore my dirty floor!

Now it's not perfect but it's painted and blends in much nicer now! I also had to paint the baseboard opposite of it where she had bitten the baseboard but not nearly as much as the other one.

All painted!

And here is the area below the microwave...

So much better! My painting isn't amazing or anything but as long as it blends in that works for me! Also it's driving me nuts that the dishtowels are uneven in this picture. I will show you why I was distracted during this time....

Someone is a paint sniffer :)

This girl makes me laugh so much and keeps us on our toes every day!

Have a great day everyone!

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